Study Canada K-12 has a long history of providing Professional Development opportunities. 

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Upcoming Professional Development

4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning

Banner showing woman holding Every Child Matters flag and title of course 4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning in purple

Let’s learn together in the 2024-25 school year!

4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning Season 1: Foundations of Knowledge is a virtual course put on by OLS and Study Canada K-12 wants you to be a part of it. We are registering and sponsoring a cohort of educators to participate together from October 2024-May 2025 -a  $140 value. 

The OLS course consists of:

  • 10 Self-paced Reconciliation Education Learning Modules
  • Monthly Virtual Presentations (~60 mins each) Offered by an incredible group of Indigenous Leaders, Elders and Educators from across Turtle Island (North America) such as Robin Wall Kimmerer and  Jo Chrona

View a complete list of presenters, dates and many more details about the course at the OLS site. Learning as a Study Canada K-12 cohort can help us keep motivated and deepen our learning together, in community with other educators. We will meet and check in together several times during the school year and complete a summary activity together.

Participants will receive free registration ($140 value), a Certificate of Completion and a $25 credit to purchase Indigenous Resources from the OLS

Sign up by October 25th and email with any questions. Let's learn together!

Past Professional Development Events

Inclusive French Classrooms

K-12 French Teachers! Do you want to make your French language classroom a welcoming and inclusive place for all students?  Please join us for this special, one-time workshop with Egale, Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQI+ people and issues. An experienced facilitator will conduct the 90-minute interactive small-group workshop with a cohort of fellow French teachers from across the US. More information available at this link. 

Date: August 6, 2024

Time: 10-11:30 am PDT

Place: Virtual

Cost: Free but registration required 

Diversify Your French


This July 2023 workshop series had four sessions, each exploring a dialect, world region or an aspect of French to help expand French instruction in American classrooms. Recordings of the session are available by clicking on the session titles.

Indigenous Worldview and Your French Classroom

From Lagoons to Deserts: French as a Global Langage

Acadia Strong!

Quebec French and Culture.

Study Canada Summer Institute: July 2019


Coastline of an island


he 2019 Study Canada K-12 was held to coincide with and celebrate the transboundary Tribal Canoe Journey. The landing was on the lands of the Lummi Nation, near Bellingham, Washington – just south of the US-Canada border and in traditional Coast Salish territories that span the international Salish Sea. 

The 4.5-day institute began in Bellingham, witnessing the first landings on Lummi shores, and learning about the Since Time Immemorial curriculum. Participants then traveled across the water (via ferry) to Victoria, British Columbia, for two days of learning with Indigenous educators to learn place-based and Indigenous history curricula, informed by recent curriculum changes as a result of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission process. Tours of the Royal British Columbia Museum and Provincial Legislature were also offered.

Study Canada Summer Institute: June 2018

Settler Teachers and Indigenous Curriculum: Using Salish Sea and Canadian Resources to strengthen First Nations/Native American content in the classroom

How can non-Indigenous teachers best understand and teach Indigenous history and contemporary culture? Using best practices and curriculum created in BC and Canada, participants traveled to Vancouver, BC to explore how to expand,  improve and responsibly teach First Nations curriculum in their classroom. Workshop materials were drawn from the Since Time Immemorial curriculum in Washington State and curriculum changes in Canada in light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s education recommendations.


Primary Sponsors

The U.S. Department of Education supports the Pacific Northwest National Resource Center for Canada (Western Washington University and the University of Washington) with funding from a Title VI Program Grant.