Why Consider a Canadian-American Studies Major?
WWU’s unique position and depth of connection with Canada: Canada and the United States share a continent and are linked by deep economic ties, several common historical experiences, and many cultural similarities; they are also marked by real and important differences. WWU’s location and longstanding tradition of Canadian-American collaborations have fostered a program that draws upon leading expertise from researchers, policymakers, and issue advocates.
Explore international relations: The Canadian-American Studies major provides an overview of Canada and Canada-U.S. relations so students may better understand the impact of these similarities and differences as well as how they affect key cultural, environmental, and economic issues in North America today and in the future. Our professors often take students on field trips to Canada for hands-on experience. Research and internship opportunities are available as well.
Complements many majors/minors: A Canadian-American Studies major can stand alone or add depth and international expertise to other areas of study. Examples include combining C/AM Studies with environmental science and policy, international business, geography, anthropology, political science, marketing, communications, journalism, history, and foreign languages.
Major Requirements
- Minimum 56 credits
- 5 core courses (23 credits)
- A minimum of 15 credits of 400-level coursework, including 2 capstone courses C/AM 401 and C/AM 402 (6 credits)
- 4-5 courses in the selected area of specialization (between 15-20 credits, depending on area of specialization)
- Additional electives not taken above
For additional electives, see C/AM Studies catalog for details.
Note: Some courses listed under specializations and electives have prerequisites which are not covered by the C/AM major’s Core. Students should consult closely with a faculty advisor when designing the plan of study.
Core Course Prerequisites
C/AM 200 - An Introduction to Canada (5 credits) Prereq: none. SSC GUR
C/AM 277 - Canada: A Historical Survey or HIST 277 (5 credits) Prereq: none. HUM GUR
PLSC 250 - The American Political System (5 credits) Prereq: none. SSC GUR
C/AM 331 - Geographies of Canada or ENVS 331 (4 credits) Prereq: one course from ENVS 203, ENVS 204, HIST 277, C/AM 277 or C/AM 200; or instructor permission
C/AM 406 - Canadian Government and Politics or PLSC 406 (4 credits) Prereq: PLSC 250, PLSC 291 or instructor permission
Four Areas of Specialization Available:
- Specialization I – Canadian-American Relations
- Specialization II – Canadian Histories/Cultures/Identities
- Specialization III – Francophone Canada
- Specialization IV – Student-Faculty Designed
For requirements, see C/AM Studies catalog for details.
Contact Information
Christina Keppie: Director, Center for Canadian-American Studies and Undergraduate Advisor
Professor of French and Linguistics
Office: Canada House 106
Email: keppiec@wwu.edu
Lisl Schroeder: Department Manager
Office: Canada House 102
Email: schroee2@wwu.edu
How to Declare
To declare the major, contact the Center for Canadian-American Studies undergraduate advisor, Christina Keppie.
C/AM Studies Major Requirements Checklist
Advising Tips: A formal program of study is initially designed by the student in consultation with the Canadian-American Studies Department undergraduate advisor, Christina Keppie.
Grade Requirements
A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.